Children in formal schooling have classrooms. iPlay kids have playrooms.
A playroom is where iPlay kids are led by their innate curiosity to experiment with and uncover new ideas. There is no formal learning. Instead curiosity leads the child to new learning.
In Playrooms children uncover the mysteries of logic and maths, the magic of rhymes, the naughtiness of paint and paper, the wonder of music, the elegance of dance, and more.
At iPlaySchool, the playgrounds are always perfectly maintained, for iPlay Kids spend a considerable amount of time outdoors. Strategically placed recycle Bind encourage not only hygiene, but also socially responsible behaviour. Professional coaches and instructors help them learn news skills in outdoor surroundings, and weather permitting, playgrounds double up as playrooms too.
iPlaySchool encourages tech savviness among kids, but in a healthy way. Afternoons often come alive with historic footage of man landing on the moon and other historic moments, and the full extent of multimedia is used to help kids explore the solar system, mysteries of the atom, etc.
Every child gets personal attention and behavioral mentoring. Children are encouraged to explore every creative avenue, with the objective of shaping a well rounded learning path.